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“彩乐园3官网邀请码”三大运营商齐表态 雄安新区将成5G网络试验田

发布时间:2024-12-17 02:21:01点击量:742
本文摘要:Chinas three telecom operators have all vowed full support for world-class telecommunication development in Xiongan New Area.中国三大电信运营商于日前争相表态,将全力支持在雄安新区发展世界一流的电信系统。

Chinas three telecom operators have all vowed full support for world-class telecommunication development in Xiongan New Area.中国三大电信运营商于日前争相表态,将全力支持在雄安新区发展世界一流的电信系统。China Mobile announced plans to build a 5G network in advance in the area and assure complete optical access as well as other topnotch telecommunication infrastructure.与此同时,中国移动还宣告将不会在该地区落后规划部署5G网络,确保全光高速宽带基础网络和其它一流的电信基础设施一步到位。

The largest telecommunications network operator added that it would give full support to turn Xiongan into a smart digital city and a representative of innovative growth that relies on efficient, intelligent governance.此外,这家仅次于的电信网络运营商还补足道,将不会全力支持雄安向数字经济试验区改变,建设具备代表性的依赖高效且智能管理的创新型快速增长市区。China Unicom promised to build a new-generation telecommunication network by allocating all its resources to guarantee the best quality.中国联通允诺,将通过专责各类资源来保证质量,创建新一代的全新电信网络。China Telecom also said it would establish gigabit network access in the special economic zone, meaning the downstream bandwidth can achieve 1G.中国电信则回应,将不会构建千兆光网城市布局新区,即下游比特率可超过1G。

It also plans to provide reliable infrastructure to enable the city take full advantage of information and communication technology earlier than other regions.此外,中国电信还计划建设安全可靠的基础设施,保证雄安可以比其他地区比较较晚地构建对信息和通讯技术的充分利用。



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